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发布时间 :2020-05-19 信息员: 浏览次数:1255



















胡喜生,博士、教授,硕士生导师,“道路交通生态与环境保护”省级专业研究生导师团队负责人,美国佐治亚大学(University of Georgia)访问学者(2013.7-2014.7),福州大学图像处理与计算机视觉方向博士后。主要承担《ArcGIS技术及其应用》、《森林地理信息系统》等本科生和研究生课程;主持省级教改项目1项,指导研究生获得2016年度福建省研究生优秀学位论文1篇,指导本科生参加全国科技创新大赛获得国家级二等奖2项,指导本科生获得国家级大员工创新训练项目资助3项;获省级教学成果奖二等奖1项,获2018年度“公司优秀研究生导师”荣誉称号。主要从事道路生态学、景观生态学、土地利用/覆盖变化遥感监测及生态效应、自然资源的可持续利用与保护机制等方面的研究工作。先后主持国家自然科学基金2项、省自然科学基金2项和省社科规划项目1项,等等;以第一作者或通讯作者在《生态学报》、《资源科学》、《地理科学》、《Science of the Total Environment》、《Journal of Cleaner production》、《Ecological Indicators》等国内外顶刊发表高质量学术论文20多篇;获省科技进步三等奖3项。


  1. Lin, Y.Y., Hu, X.S.*, Lin, M.S., Qiu, R.Z., Lin, J.G., Li, B.Y*. Is forest landscape pattern more affected in road overlap zone: evidence from an upstream area of the Minjiang river of Fujian province in the sub-tropical region of China. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research, 2020, 18(2): 3693-3711. (SCI)

  2. Chen, X., Zhao, Q., Huang, F., Qiu, R., Lin, Y., Zhang, L., Hu, X.*. Understanding spatial variation in the driving pattern of carbon dioxide emissions from taxi sector in great Eastern China: evidence from an analysis of geographically weighted regression. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 2020, 22, 979-991. (SCI, IF=2.277)

  3. Yuying Lin, Xisheng Hu, Mingshui Lin, Rongzu Qiu, Jinguo Lin, Baoyin Li*. Spatial Paradigms in Road Networks and Their Delimitation of Urban Boundaries Based on KDE. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf., 2020, 9(4), 204. (SCI, IF=1.840)

  4. 吴旻, 陈瑾, 赵超超, 翟瑞, 苏雨秋, 郑金兴, 胡喜生*. 泉三高速公路动物通道选址研究——以云豹为例. 生态学报, 2020(07):1-7.

  5. 侯秀英, 邱荣祖, 林玉英, 王剑凯, 胡喜生*. 交通可达性反贫困作用的空间分异分析: 以福建省为例. 资源科学, 2019, 41(11):2094-2106.

  6. Danting Lin, Lanyi Zhang, Cheng Chen, Yuying Lin, Jiankai Wang, Rongzu Qiu*, Xisheng Hu*. Understanding driving patterns of carbon emissions from the transport sector in China: evidence from an analysis of panel models. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 2019, 21(6):1307-1322. (SCI, IF=2.277)

  7. Xisheng Hu, Hanqiu Xu*. Spatial variability of urban climate in response to quantitative trait of land cover based on GWR model. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2019, 191,194-205. (SCI, IF=1.804)

  8. Yuying Lin, Rongzu Qiu, Jixue Yao, Xisheng Hu*, Jinguo Lin*. The effects of urbanization on China's forest loss from 2000 to 2012: Evidence from a panel analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2019, 214, 270-278. (SCI, IF=6.395)

  9. Xisheng Hu, Hanqiu Xu*. A new remote sensing index based on the pressure-state-response framework to assess regional ecological change. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2019, 26, 5381-5393. (SCI, IF=2.800)

  10. Yuying Lin, Xisheng Hu, Xiaoxue Zheng, Xiuying Hou, Zhengxiong Zhang, Xinnian Zhou, Rongzu Qiu*, Jinguo Lin*. Spatial variations in the relationships between road network and landscape ecological risk in the highest forest coverage region of China. Ecological Indicators, 2019, 96, 392-403. (SCI, IF=4.49)

  11. Xisheng Hu, Chengzhen Wu, Jiankai Wang, Rongzu Qiu*. Identification of spatial variation in road network and its driving patterns: Economy and population. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2018, 17, 37-45. (SSCI)

  12. Xisheng Hu, Hanqiu Xu*. A new remote sensing index for assessing the spatial heterogeneity in urban ecological quality: A case from Fuzhou City, China. Ecological Indicators, 2018, 89, 11-21. (SCI, IF=4.49)

  13. Xisheng Hu, Lanyi Zhang, Limin Ye, Yuhong Lin, Rongzu Qiu*. Locating spatial variation in the association between road network and forest biomass carbon accumulation. Ecological Indicators, 2017, 73, 214-223. (SCI, IF=4.49)

  14. Xisheng Hu, Zhilong Wu, Chengzhen Wu, Limin Ye, Chaofeng Lan, Kun Tang, Lu Xu, Rongzu Qiu*. Effects of road network on diversiform forest cover changes in the highest coverage region in China: an analysis of sampling strategies. Science of the Total Environment, 2016, 565, 28-39. (SCI, IF=5.589)

  15. Ling Gan, Xisheng Hu*. Geographic distribution of livestock products in China- an application of spatial autocorrelation analysis. Indian Journal of Animal Research, 2016, 50, 569-579. (SCI, IF=0.091)

  16. Ling Gan, Xisheng Hu*. The pollutants from livestock and poultry farming in China—geographic distribution and drivers. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2016, 23, 8470-8483. (SCI, IF=2.760)

  17. Xisheng Hu, Wei Hong, Rongzu Qiu, Tao Hong, Can Chen, Chengzhen Wu*. Geographic variations of ecosystem service intensity in Fuzhou City, China. Science of the Total Environment, 2015, 512-513, 215-226 (SCI, IF=5.589)

  18. Xisheng Hu, Chengzhen Wu, Wei Hong, Rongzu Qiu*, Jian Li, Tao Hong. Forest cover change and its drivers in the upstream area of the Minjiang River, China. Ecological Indicators, 2014, 46, 121-128 (SCI, IF=4.49)

  19. Xisheng Hu, Chengzhen Wu*, Wei Hong, Rongzu Qiu, Xinhua Qi. Impact of land-use change on ecosystem service values and their effects under different intervention scenarios in Fuzhou City, China. Geosciences Journal, 2013, 17, 497-504 (SCI, IF=1.49)

  20. 胡喜生, 洪伟, 吴承祯*, 祁新华. 福州市土地生态系统服务空间分异特征.中国环境科学, 2013, 33(5):881-888. (EI)

  21. 胡喜生, 洪伟, 吴承祯*. 福州土地生态系统服务功能与城市化耦合度分析. 地理科学, 2013, 33(10):1216-1223.

  22. 胡喜生, 洪伟, 吴承祯*. 土地生态系统服务功能价值动态估算模型的改进与应用——以福州市为例. 资源科学, 2013, 35(1):30-41.


  1. 科技基础资源调查专项,中国海岛志编研(2019FY202100)课题八“《中国海岛志》福建卷第二册编纂(2019FY202108)”,2020/01-2023/12,在研,主持

  2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,31971639,森林覆盖空间位移的格局、过程与机制,2020/01- 2023/12,在研,主持

  3. 福建省自然科学基金面上项目,2019J01406,基于GTWR的福建省森林覆盖像元变化驱动机制的精准识别,2019/04-2022/03,在研,主持

  4. 福建省社会科学规划面上项目,FJ2017B090,交通可达性反贫困机制的地理识别,2017/07-2019/06,在研,主持

  5. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目(一等资助),2017M610390,区域道路网络扩展及其生态变化的空间耦合关系,2017/07-2018/12,在研,主持

  6. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,41201100,基于生态服务功能的土地利用空间变异特征研究,2013/01-2015/12,已结题,主持

  7. 福建省自然科学基金面上项目,2015J01606,闽江流域道路网络空间演化规律及其生态效应,2015/04-2018/03,已结题,主持


  1. 胡喜生,蔡斯霞,陈闽敏,林双,陈洁莹.基于北斗的冷藏车温度轨迹可视化装置[P].中国专利:ZL201720214677.42017-09-22

  2. 陈闽敏,蔡斯霞,黄雨婕,胡喜生*.公路两侧桶式防撞装置[P].中国专利:ZL201621231377.92017-05-31

  3. 胡喜生,朱志敏,陈闽敏,蔡斯霞.新式坡度板[P].中国专利:ZL201621231340.62017-04-26

  4. 邱荣祖,胡喜生,林宇洪,陈闽敏.林区木材运输专用北斗轨迹仪[P].中国实用新型专利:CN206147104U2017-05-03

  5. 陈灿,胡喜生,林勇明,等. 筛式自动分类凋落物收集装置[P].中国实用新型专利:CN205463094U2016-08-17


  1. 上海路港杯” 第十二届全国大员工交通科技大赛二等奖 基于物联网的路面标识绘图机器人的设计 (陈木泉、林燕燕、何哲雄、谢扬扬、王冬招)(第一指导老师)

  2. 第八届“北斗杯”全国青少年科技创新大赛(BD-CASSTI2017)二等奖 北斗导航系统的无人配送智慧小车设计 (汤锦茂、刘锟、蔡斯霞和陈闽敏)(第一指导老师)

  3. 基于生境分析的高速公路生物通道选址研究—以泉三高速为例(201810389016)国家级大员工创新训练项目 2万 主持人:苏雨秋、周文考、林姿莹(第一指导老师)

  4. 基于北斗的高速公路智慧交通管理系统(201610389019) 国家级大员工创新训练项目 2万 主持人:陈闽敏、蔡斯霞(第一指导老师)

  5. 北斗导航的无人配送智慧小车设计(201710389023)国家级大员工创新训练项目 2万 主持人:陈望玥、檀晓琳、唐慧娟(第一指导老师)


蓝朝凤 福建省农产品物流配送中心选址研究 2016年福建省研究生优秀学位论文